Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Building Experiences: Color Blending

Inspired by the creative story of "Little Blue and Little Yellow" by Leo Leoni, we've begun exploring the way colors blend and mix to make new colors! Using our light table and class projector we saw colors in a whole new dimension with light, shadow and transparency.

Go Nature Explorers!

 Our class continues to inspire us each day as their interest in the the great outdoors deepens and their questions become more thoughtful.  

Their language skills are growing by leaps and bounds as they describe their observations and discuss  possibilities.
These little scientists are on the move, using their senses and whole bodies to explore! We took advantage of the increasing amounts of fallen leaves and dived in for rolling and jumping and kicking.

Play by the Park welcomes Lisa, our new Artelierista (a Reggio-inspired Italian name for art teacher)! We enjoyed our first session with Lisa this past week, expanding on our work with glue, creating lines, circles, and broad strokes--the first steps shape recognition and composition. Our friends were wonderfully focused and proud of their work! Next week brings part  two of this project.Thanks Lisa!