Monday, November 19, 2012

Let's Go!: Windsor Terrace Library

Morning Assembly read-aloud introduced us to a new, very important word--Mother When asked if they had mothers, our friends gave a decisive, No! However, after reading, P.D. Eastman's tale of a lost baby bird "Are You My Mother?", we quickly realized that "Mommies" and "Mothers" are one and the same and worth further discussion! Along came tales of mommies, daddies, brothers, and sisters as our friends made connections between their own families and the family in our story.

This week, led by our observations of the children's increased interest in independent "reading", we headed to the Windsor Terrace library to explore. Our time at the library gave us the opportunity to work on our community skills - using quiet voices, browsing shelves and making choices, reading with much interest, and even cleaning up our treasured books after enjoying them. We were incredibly impressed with our scholars! Look at em go!

Our walk back to class brought us through a long tunnel where we re-discovered the joy of ECHO! Excited to unleash our LOUD voices after the quiet library, our friends enthusiastically shouted the word, "Echoooooo!"

Our wagon train grows longer each week as more friends join the fun of learning at Play by the Park!